Wood Mouldings | Boiseries Algonquin

Calculate the Amount of Mouldings you Need

Here is the calculation to determine the amount of mouldings needed:

  • Baseboards:
    Measure the perimeter of the room minus the width of the doors.
  • Door Frames:
    Provide 2 pieces of 7 ‘or 8’ for the sides and measure the top of the door.
  • Window Framing:
    Measure the entire outline of your window and add 5%.
  • Ogees:
    Measure the perimeter of the room and add 10%.
  • Rails:
    Measure the perimeter of the room minus the width of the doors and windows.
  • Caissons:
    To find out how much moulding is necessary for your project, you can make a drawing using masking tape on your wall. You will be able to calculate the amount of mouldings for the realization of your project.